Nothing cures faster. . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Jan. 5, 2015, 12:18 p.m.
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. . . than booking a doctor’s appointment.

The eczema is a lot better right now. at least on my arms. It’s hard to know why. We went and got some different detergent for the washing machine just in case I’d suddenly developed an allergy to the supposedly non-bio good-for-sensitive-skin powder that we’ve been using. . . . Will be wearing clothes washed only with the new detergent for a while, see if the rash clears up . . . .

We had new bed-sheets at about the time the eczema flared up as well. . . It’s possible that the first time we washed them, something came off them and contaminated the washing machine for the next few washes. Sometimes sheets are chemically treated to help prevent wrinkles, or it could be something in the dyes. . . .

Then again, it’s possible that it’s nothing to do with that. Eczema is random like that.

I’ve also now stopped having long, hot showers. Which is a bitch, because I have relatively few vices, and having long hot showers is one of them, particularly in winter. It’s just that not having long, hot showers is more or less rule number 1 for dealing with eczema. They make your skin horribly vulnerable by melting away the surface oils on your skin.

I really hope it’s dying away for good. It’s no fun looking sunburned 24/7.

New Year was OK. We stayed in and then rested up - we’re both still recovering from this stupid lingering virus/cough/whatever.

Tomorrow, the traditional New Year diet starts. Give it a month, and I may be able to face the scales. Fun.

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