And the week is over. . . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Sept. 18, 2014, 8:30 p.m.
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We are back from a week in Manhattan.

Everyone I know who’s been has loved it, and we loved it too. . . . I can see why it’s so universally popular a holiday destination. It’s got everything - unless you hate being in the city (in which case, New York was possibly not the greatest choice), I can’t think of anyone who won’t be able to have a great time no matter what they’re into.

We were first timers in NYC, so we did quite a lot of the things you’d expect. Top of the Rock, Central Park, the Bronx Zoo (no llamas), Central Park Zoo (also no llamas), Grand Central, the Staten Island Ferry, Times Square, Wall Street, Chinatown, Little Italy (at the start of the feast of San Gennaro), and the cheesecake. . . oh yes, the cheesecake.

We also managed to catch the Giants vs the Cardinals at the Metlife, which was great except for the Giants self-destructing for no readily apparent reason in the fourth quarter. We walked ludicrous numbers of miles, because you see so so so much more that way, we walked the Brooklyn Bridge, had a night cruise around the island, and we still didn’t see and do more than 50% of the things that were available to do. . .

It’s just a pity it’s so bloody far away and so bloody expensive to go there or we’d be back sooner rather than later, but that’s reality for you; always getting in the way.

Having said all that, I feel much the same way as I did about Hong Kong island - great to visit but I wouldn’t actually choose to give up our house and our garden and all of our space for the tiny apartment we’d be able to afford over there. If I lived there, the special sights would lose their novelty and the flaws and problems would start to show.

Besides, they have no llamas in the Bronx or Central Park zoos. What the hell, New York? What the hell kind of place are you running over there where people are even allowed to have zoos without llamas?


I now have another six days before I have to go back to work. This, I think, will also be nice, in a very different way.

Two specific random points. . . Why are long-haul airplane seats designed with the headrest set up so that your head is pushed forwards, making it almost impossible to rest? Is that a safety thing? I’m assuming it must be that, rather than the seats being designed specifically to make life hard.

Also, no matter how fancy they may be. . . steakhouses are so not worth the money. For that kind of money you should be getting something that’s either impossible to do at home, or so much hassle that you’re paying for the skill of the chef. I don’t care what spin you put on it, steak is simply not hard enough to source or cook that it’s worth the extortionate prices these places charge for it.


Though I may have to go back to Manhattan just to be absolutely sure that I’m right on that. Seems only fair.

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