Laptop shenanegans in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • June 30, 2014, 11:02 p.m.
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My laptop chose to thank me for having it serviced by semi-conking out. I've lost the hard drive and somewhere along the line I damaged a patch of the LCD screen. Have replaced the hard drive and got myself a clean install of Windows now, and have a new screen on order - seems a simple job to replace, so expect the next entry to be about how I destroyed the RAM trying to replace the screen. . .

I didn't have a full backup of my hard drive so I've lost some old photos (nothing too dramatic - anything I really cared about I have on flickr/facebook or have sent to someone sometime. I very nearly lost 15,000 words of writing that really would have been a bitch to redo, but luckily I have an external hard drive reader, and the thing lasted long enough to extract my documents.

Now I have a full backup on the external hard drive we bought precisely to have an external backup. This is a good idea. Everyone rush off and back up your files now. Done that? Good.

On the plus side, my car got through its MOT with a minimum of damage to my wallet. It's 15 years old now, so every year it gets more likely that it'll be new car time. . . . .

Pah, it'll live forever, my little car. Indestructible.

Had three days off last week and today, but it's back to work tomorrow. Nothing should have gone too wrong while was off, but you should never underestimate the ability of things to go wrong with little or no provocation. . . . .

Yes. I didn't see a single llama on my break. This is the one disappointment.

New York is barely two and a half months away. Still doesn't feel like it's happening.

Meh. Other than all this, it's all fun and games at my end . . . . Thelady remains well and thecat also. Thecat has worked out how to open his automatic pet feeder. Brute kitty force. Something tougher may be in order.


Have a good week y'all. . . .

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