supplements, changes and side effects in my challenge

  • July 22, 2014, 4:35 p.m.
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changed protein (de novo nutrition), ditched ginger (aside from occasional juice mix drinks), going for more cardio, though i still hate cardio. figure its the best way to get the only thing not in shape on me looking like the rest of the body. haven't done any test in 2 weeks. noticing the change from that, feeling sluggish all the time, a general lack of focus and even my posture feels like its getting worse. pushing through it. thinking of going back on test in much lower more frequent doses in another 2 weeks or so. not sure yet, going to find out if there are any other differences. i might also just be tired. though i have been for the last week and some change. my workouts have gotten worse. i blame that on the sluggishness. though i will push through it. upping my protein intake to try and compensate. i don't really think those things are connected or related, but i don't want my gains to disappear. so push harder, even with my focus and motivation slipping. i just have to think big picture, think about how i will be happy about this in a year from now. it will be worth it. nothing worth having is easy. i will continue to do this. years from now i will be glad i kept up with it, that i made it a lifestyle not a goal.

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