It's Been a While... in That Coming of Age Story

  • Oct. 1, 2014, 8:01 p.m.
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Well it has certainly been a long time since I have written anything. I decided to get back to it today. I guess I will sum up what has happened in the past couple of months. I will try to make this as short as possible.

Well my summer was basically the same as last summer. I got a job at another factory and I worked long hours and I met some new people. They were nice and I had a semi-good time working there. The work itself was actually very mind numbing, but I am still in my apartment so I can’t complain too much. I lived with my mother over the summer and it was actually a very positive experience. We got along so much better. We are still maintaining a very healthy relationship. She has changed for the better and I am proud of her. Unlike all the other times she has attempted to change this time it is lasting.

Well I moved all my shit back into my apartment and I felt a lot more at home. I missed all of my own stuff around me. Every time I come into my room I feel so serene. Like nothing can get to me here.

I missed my friends a lot too. However, I figured out who my real friends were this semester. I found out that my ex FWB is not a good person at all. I won’t go into detail, but he is not the person I thought he was and I regret sharing that part of myself with him. No one talks to him anymore. He has gotten into drugs and he is not cool to be around anymore. I am happy to have him out of my life.

I am enjoying all of my new classes…well except for geology. That subject is just fucking tedious. Everyone run far far away from it!!!

Last Friday was my birthday and I had a blast! I turned 20! So long teenage years! Me and four of my friends went to Nashville to bar hop. At one of the bars there was a live band playing and the lea singer asked if anyone was having a birthday today. Of course all of my friends pointed at me. He asked me my name and he said well why don’t you come and give us a little dance. I was like oh no I’m good, but my friend Cody was like nope you are doing it. So he grabs my hand and we dance in front of the whole bar. I was a bit embarrassed, but I had a good time anyway. Of course we ended up getting a little tipsy and walked all over Nashville. We ended up at this hipster restaurant that served 24 hours a day. It was great! Best panini I ever had! Well here are some pictures of me on my day. I really liked my dress. For those of you who don’t know I am the one with the long black hair.

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Well besides hanging out with my friends and trying to get all these assignments done nothing much has been going on with me. I hope to keep up with these entries. This journal is really more for my future self, so I would like to keep up to date.

Well I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! :)

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