Two Weeks Left... in That Coming of Age Story

  • April 18, 2014, 10 p.m.
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It was a beautiful day today. The sun was out and there were no clouds in the sky. I couldn't enjoy it though. I have been studying for my final tests before my exams in two weeks. I am just so stressed.

I am really excited to go home soon. I really miss my mother and sisters and my nephew...just everyone back home. Although, I know that two weeks into being home I will miss my friends here. I love Lillie, Karla, and Taylor. They have become my closest friends and it will be hard being away from them for four months. Although, this is the last time that I will see Karla. She is going to be moving to California with her husband and won't be coming back next semester. I love her and I know I am going to cry when she leaves. All of us have already made plans to fly over there and see her during spring break. I can't wait for that.

I am going to try to enjoy my summer even though I will be working two jobs. I plan on tanning and working out in my free time, maybe hang out with friends at the pool. I don't know how that will go though considering that most of my friends have moved to where they attend school. I hope I can see them. I really miss them...Laine especially.

I am hoping for the best when it comes to my mom. The closer that I get to the time for me to move back home the more nervous I get about her disappointing me again. I want my mother to be better. I want her to be the person I know she can be. Like I said...I hope for the best. She is my mother and I love her.

I am also worried about where I will be living next semester. Me and Lillie are going to sign these leases off to these two girls and then we will be done. We still haven't decided on a place...I am just hoping that we can find something that accepts pets. Ugh I really hate the fact that Lillie wants her dog to live with us. I mean I love her dog but she is really limiting our choices, and even the places that do accept pets don't accept a big ass pit bull.

Well I better get back to studying for this shit storm of exams that will be raining down upon me for the next two weeks. Wish me luck!

Last updated April 19, 2014

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