Snot, snow, sperm and other shizzle in 2014

  • Feb. 10, 2014, 7:35 a.m.
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I am at home, vageuly watching the winter olympics and trying to do some work but I have the concentration span of a gnat with ADD and I still feel like an epic pile of crap. It started as a slight cough after roller derby training last Monday has got progressively worse until I woke up on Thursday morning to get the train to Cardiff to meet Christina and go to the Frank Turner gig and felt like I had actually died. I've never felt so ill aside from the time I had flu and could no longer walk to the bathroom to throw up and had to crawl on my hands and knees. I couldn't not go though so I dosed myself up and figured it would be ok but, well, it wasn't really. I did make it to Cardiff and I did manage to get to the gig and I even managed some wine consumption but dear god did I pay for it. I collapsed back in to our lovely hotel room after the gig and had the weirdest feverish dream sleep and woke up feeling even WORSE. Poor Christina. This was supposed to be our birthday celebration for her because I can't make it to London at the end of the month. There were grand plans for cocktails and party dresses which did not happen. Instead she took my temperature at regular intervals, force fed my fluids and tried to steal the duvet off my sweaty, shivery overheated snot encrusted body. Bless her. I did feel a bit better after sleeping the entire day on Friday, so the train back wasn't as bad as expected on Saturday afternoon. I still feel like doom though and have a crappy crackily chest so I am at home today. I have so much work to do and I really want to get on with it but I can't think straight. I keep thinking "I will just do this and then I will get on with work.." but I just end up lying here surrounded by snotty tissues feeling pathetic and staring at the winter olympics. I must be sick because I'm watching curling. I hate the olympics, its boring, and this sport makes NO SENSE. Is it bowls? Is it snooker? Is it extreme housework? I've no idea.

I have finished taking my drugs that will hopefully make me ovulate now too. For this cycle anyway. It is hard not to get obsessed over it, or to get over excited about it. It might not make me ovulate at this dose, there might be other problems that stop it. Even if it does make me ovulate we just might not conceive for the millions of reasons lots of people don't conceive when there's an egg there. But it is so difficult not to get carried away at the prospect of the possibility of making a baby. Its nuts. Suddenly I could spend hours browsing pregnancy and TTC forums. I started searching pubmed for qualitative research studies into breasfeeding. If I could concentrate on hip fracture this well work would be less of an issue. Anyway for now I have to keep peeing on ovulation sticks and seeing if a line appears. There is a very faint line, and normally I don't get any line at all, so thats encouraging. Hopefully it will get darker and I will ovulate! Lets aim for that first, baby steps. Pun intended. In the mean time we just get to have lots of sex. Which with all the snot and coughing is DELIGHTFUL as you can imagine. And now features no kissing or erm, other mouth related activites as my lurgy has caused a cold sore to erupt on my face. AWESOME.

I may go and have a bath to try and wash some of the revolting off me.

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