Day by day in Hello.

  • June 21, 2017, 10:33 a.m.
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Things are going well.
Rob is working hard at his job, and is being paid to do training courses. Effectively, it’s an apprentice scheme, but on a proper wage. It seems he’s having a few run ins with the head chef, who seems to think it’s ‘his’ kitchen, whereas Rob tries to keep it to company standards. Head chef doesn’t like compromising by the sounds of things and is constantly having a go at various members of staff. Thankfully Rob doesn’t take any shit off him and first tells him to back off, then reports him to the kitchen manager. Now all Rob needs to say is “I’ll report you again, I don’t care!” and HC backs off. He sounds like a belligerent tosser if you ask me.
Rob has the odd weepy day, I can tell now. It’s usually when he’s tired. I keep a special close eye on him on these days, makes sure he sits with me, I cook him food, take him out for a coffee, encourage him to talk to me about things he’s passionate about or watch clips on YouTube with him. I want him to feel looked after without smothering him. It’s not easy though!
We’ve booked our holiday! Sadly Rob couldn’t get that week off, but I’ve promised him we’ll try and do something together another time. Mam and dad have offered him their spare room if he wants it, evening meals, just whatever he wants. If he stays here, they will keep an eye on him for me. They literally live round the corner, so it’s convenient for him.
We’re staying in a holiday cottage in Northumberland, north east of England, just south of the Scottish border. It’s where the vikings first invaded! There’s loads of castles and beaches and everyone has told me I’ll love it. Really looking forward to it! That’s in August.

Got my car insurance to pay before then though, so we’re on a bit of an economy drive. Trying to pay off as much of my credit card as I can so I will have that to fall back on. I don’t think we’ll have much to spend on holiday, but as long as we have a base, it looks like there are plenty activities for us to do that won’t cost much. It’s the change of scenery I’m looking forward to the most!

November looks like it’s going to be amazing! Shellie and I have got tickets for Royal Blood in Brum on the 18th and Queens of the Stone Age on the 19th in Manchester! ROAD TRIP!!!! Probably in separate cars to be honest, but still, yay!

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