The Hawk in Talk Story

  • April 9, 2017, 6:15 p.m.
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And greetings from the southern coast of Oregon…

Lots of rain… strong wind… hail… thunder and lightning the past two days and nights…

But yesterday the sun came back out…
I worked (played) in my backyard… transplanting succulents, etc…
Then a friend called and invited me to join her for the Second Saturday Art Walk…
Since she got into a “relationship” with her now b/f… we have done very little together… so this was especially fun for me…
I visited with friends getting ready to move out of the area… but seems their house is not sold… so is still on the market… but it is being shown quite often… and eventually they will be gone…
Visited several venues… fun seeing old friends… and meeting new acquaintances…

Oh yeah… the title of the entry…

There is a good sized hawk that spends quite a bit of time in the trees just behind my house… he/she is quite agile… hunting mice, squirrels and chipmunks I suppose…

Fun to watch this bird of prey… it’s antics amuse me as it hops from branch to branch… then swoops down to grab it’s lunch/dinner…

The rain has returned this evening…

I’m sort of getting tired of it…

Aloha oe…

Last updated April 09, 2017

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