Lies, Lies Everywhere in meh...
- Sept. 16, 2016, 2:19 p.m.
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I’m convinced my landlady was lying to me based on lies told by that rat bastard neighbor.
I know she lied because I asked the neighbor in #2 if she had a problem with my daughter and she said my daughter was cool. My landlady hasn’t been anywhere near the apartment building in the past few weeks. So another lie was told when she said she observed my daughter’s behavior and attitude toward everyone in the building.
Just lies, lies, lies. That is why I drew up the letter. It’s been modified since what I posted, but it’s pretty much the same premise.
That little fucker next door better not purse any lips to speak to me nor anyone coming to see me. He will be ignored and I wish, WISH he would try that shit talking with me. I will smack him in his fucking face and dare him to call the cops about that. Little bitch.
The more I’m getting over the emotional part, the more angry I get. This has set my family in a difficult spot. My son feels he has a duty/responsibility to us on top of being not ready for college so he wants to quit school. I guess I’ve used my help card 2 times in a row so my ex won’t be able to help out. No. He doesn’t want to be the help we nee. Only I am the one who is supposed to adjust and readjust my life. It’s cool though. I got his number.
I had a rough time with the grandkid last night. We are both going through changes. I’m not feeling resentful, but this situation is keeping me from being patient with him. Every time I “snap” or talk sternly to him his reaction is always, “You don’t like me???” or “You don’t love me anymore??” To which I say I don’t like your behavior or what you’re doing, but I like you and I love you.
I want to clean the floor in my kitchen. I want to wash my clothes in my bedroom and get my room clean but I’m not able to find the time. I need to go and pay my electric bill. I’ve been trying to keep the sink as clear as I can. I don’t have much counter space as it is.
I’m a bit overwhelmed myself but like always, I will survive.
I talked to my sister today and we’ve decided that it would be easier to try and start a small sandwich shop instead of starting with a food truck. She’s looking for placed out in her neck of the woods (which is highly inconvenient for me since she lives in practically another county and city) but also said for me to look out for places down here in the city. So we are on the same page again.
I finished my homework and believe I will leave my folder here at the office.
I’m tired.
Kindest regard,
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