The southern coast of Oregon in Talk Story

  • June 29, 2016, 5:12 p.m.
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Most mornings it has been very overcast and foggy… with the marine layer having moved on shore… though the temperature remains quite warm… mid 50s…

By afternoon the mist has burned off… leaving a bright blue sky… a brilliant sun… and the temperature in the high 70s…

I work (play) in my garden before noon… drive into town to enjoy lunch with friends… then return home after running errands… to sit out on my deck and read…

My legs are getting tan again… not like the tan I had when I lived on Maui… but getting close…

Early evening I drive down to the harbor… walk out on the south jetty… sit and watch the boats returning from a day of fishing or crabbing…

As I sit there… I see both seals and sea lions swimming in the river… and sometimes a family of river otters…

Lots of birds… lots and lots of birds…

Often my neighbor’s dog goes with me… sits at my feet… and begs for the pieces of dog biscuits I keep on me to reward him for his good behavior…

At times… my life is so very good…

Smiles/Aloha oe…

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