What I did today in Musings

  • May 29, 2016, 11:33 p.m.
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I remember when it was a thing in blogging to write about what you did sort of hour by hour. Most of the time with pictures. I always loved that for some reason. I like looking back on my life at different stages and thinking about what I did in an average day. So I’m going to write about what I did today (sans photos because I’m still too lazy to figure out how to do that on here) and even though it seems so boring to me now I’m sure it’ll be fascinating to me later on. I don’t expect anyone else to read all this or even care. Here goes:

7:30 Wake up to Leah messing with her door as usual. Change her diaper. Let the dog out. Fix her breakfast. Check my blood sugar. Eat my breakfast (peanut butter toast and milk) Feed the dog.

8:00-9:30 Do dishes. Fold/Put away laundry. Take out trash. Play play dough with Leah. Take a shower while she watches cartoons. Check blood sugar.

9:30-12 Eat a snack (egg salad and crackers) and sip coffee while Leah rocks a sorting game I set up for her. Put her in time out because she will not leave her dad, whole was trying to sleep, alone. (yes he stayed up late and slept late today) Cleaned out Leah’s too small/winter clothes from her drawers and put them in a box in the closet. Went through ALL of her stuffed animals and put several in a bag for Goodwill. Nathan finally wakes up and plays with her.

12:00-2 Fix lunch (pizza and a salad) and Nathan gets Leah down for a nap. Cleaned out and rearranged my sewing/office supply desk. Do some work while listening to podcast. More laundry. Leah wakes up and we all hang out the living room a bit. Check blood sugar.

2-4:30 All three of us go run errands. Drop off computer stuff with my mom. Sonic drinks. Wal-Mart for groceries. Drop of DVDs at the store (yes we actually still have and use a DVD/video game rental place-don’t judge!)

4:30-6 Get home and unload groceries. Cook dinner (Grilled chicken, squash, zucchini, and strawberries for dessert) Clean up dinner. Nathan and Leah play and I sweep and mop the floor.

6-7:30 Watch Shrek all together. (Leah actually liked it! She loved the dragon and donkey) Nathan gets Leah ready for bed and she goes to sleep. Check blood sugar. Celebrate because my blood sugar numbers have all been great today!

7:30-10:30 Trail mix snack. Work while watching you tube and listening to podcasts. Bedtime snack (trying out ice cream which is supposed to help fasting glucose stay low) Get ready for bed. Read a few things online. Write this silly thing.

And now I’m about to read some Harry Potter Half Blood Prince and fall asleep. And then get up to pee 1000 times.

(Obviously I did other things like changed Leah’s diaper and clothes and fixed her hair and talked with Nathan and emailed customers but I didn’t include every second!)

Last updated May 29, 2016

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