Stuff. in Hello.

  • Aug. 17, 2015, 10:35 a.m.
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Well, this is nice. Just John and I sat in the house. Rob is working, Bel is at my cousin’s dance class and Eleanor has gone to Laser Quest for a friend’s birthday. John is playing Skyrim, a rare computer game that’s just as much fun to watch as play. We’ve all just been for dinner in the pub, had a nice walk through the park and now I’m nice and relaxed.
I’ve been keeping quiet about my head shaving as of late as it’s been making me feel like shit. I got a wig, just a cheap one mind, but it looks like…well, a wig. I washed it, let it dry naturally and put dry shampoo on it, as advised, to take the shine off. But it still looks like a wig, not something I’d wear to work anyway. I’m bidding on another one, but I’m really disillusioned about it now. If I wasn’t working and they weren’t being such a douche about it, I’d be feeling fine about it. Meh. I think my plan is to get my hair cut as short as possible (natural regrowth is currently at about an inch) and get it styled into a neat little pixie cut. That still counts, right? I’ve raised £130 for Macmillan, and I’m sure I’ll get more when I put my sponsor form in at work. I can’t not do it now.
I took Bel through to Carlisle on Saturday, she got her ears pierced. Very positive experience, the piercer totally put her at ease and was very gentle with her. I think he could see she was a bit flappy, so he made her lie down rather than just sit. There was no trauma to her ears, no redness, swelling, or even blood. If you’re thinking of getting your kids ears pierced, find someone to do it properly with a needle. Yes, it costs more (£25 for us, as opposed to £12 to get it done here with a gun) but it’s honestly worth it. Plus she gets titanium earrings, which look like she’s always had them, as opposed to shiny gold or silver. She’s already looking forward to getting her lobes done again when she’s 16! (School uniform regulations say only one pair of earrings.)
Rob is more or less sorted for uni. He got into his first choice, Edge Hill! His accommodation is sorted in halls, he’s been talking to people on a forum that he’s arranged to meet up with at freshers week and his finance is almost done. That’s a pain, he’s been told his finances were “being processed” for about a month, and when I rang them today, turns out there had been some discrepancy between certain figures…They were waiting for us to ring them to sort it out! Such a pain, they were also using our old address in Preston to send stuff to, even though we’d given them our address here! What mine and John’s student finance has to do with Robert’s I have no idea, but our accounts have been linked by the SLC. They’re a bloody pain in the arse!

Last updated August 17, 2015

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