Stolen in Surveys!

  • Aug. 1, 2015, 4:04 p.m.
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10 Things
10 things about your appearance (clothes, face, hair, height, smile, piercings, tattoos):
1. I am 5’6
2. I currently have 27 mosquito bites, most of which I’ve scratched open in my sleep.
3. I have contacts but I prefer my glasses on days at home
4. I have 7 tattoos.
5. My hair and eyes are the same color, like, exactly.
6. My ears are pierced.
7. I am missing a front tooth which frustrates me.
8. I normally don’t break out but when I do it’s only right under my chin.
9. I took off my acrylic nails but I miss them a lot
10. My little toes are strange. It’s genetic and I don’t mind them but other people think they are weird looking
10 things you do every single day:
1. Use the bathroom
2. Shower
3. Drink 32-40 ounces of water and normally one fountain soda
4. Homework, now that I’m in school.
5. Check FB and PB several times
6. Brush my teeth
7. Play tetris
8. Read something, either a text book or a fun book
9. Watch TV
10. Sleep
10 things about your personality:
1. I’m emotional. Overly sometimes.
2. I want to lose weight but I’m worried I won’t like how my face looks once I do.
3. I’m often alone, and only sometimes lonely
4. Unless I’ve got a little alcohol in me I’m pretty shy with new people, but once I start talking I don’t stop.
5. Consequentially, I am an over-sharer
6. I like most people but when I dislike you, there’s normally a good reason.
7. I can only spend so much time doing nothing and then I need to get out, similarly, once I’m done being out of the house I need to go…right then.
8. I cannot listen to people chew, sometimes even listening to myself sets me off. I do everything I can to eat the least loud foods possible.
9. I am fairly forgiving, but if you hurt a loved one or you abuse my kindness I will drop you, please see #6
10. I am a non-church attending Christian. I also don’t care if you aren’t a Christian and I won’t ever try to get you to be one. Faith is a very personal choice and you either have it or you don’t.
10 of your favorite foods:
1. Bacon
2. Sausage
3. Biscuits
4. Pretzels/Popcorn with lots of salt
5. Jelly Belly Jewel Berry jelly beans (a recent discovery)
6. The right kind of cheese pizza, thin crust, light sauce, extra grease
7. Strawberry or Banana ice cream (Banana is hard to find by itself)
8. Naval Oranges
9. McDonald’s Sausage Egg and Cheese bagels, so unhealthy, so delicious.
10. Cheese
10 things about your family:
1. I have one younger sister. She’s pretty much my whole life.
2. My parents are amazingly hard workers who never fail to make sure we have all the things we need.
3. My grandfather, paternal, passed away on the day I turned 6 months, I’m sad I never got to know him. My grandmother married him knowing he had MS and she’s one of the strongest women I know. She never remarried, it’s been 31 years.
4. My grandfather, maternal, passed away when I was in high school, Liam was visiting, at first I thought my mom was joking because I didn’t think there was any way he would pass away.
5. My gram is another amazingly strong women, she’s been through more than I thought and every time I hear something else I am just stunned.
6. I used to be really close to my mom’s side of the family but now I’m closer with my dad’s. Strange how that works sometimes.
7. I have two of the most adorable nephews in the world. I also have 3 other nephews and a niece but I don’t know them because we don’t live in the UK anymore. I hate to admit it but sometimes I forget about them. I’m so enamored with Preston and Ethan that I sometimes forget all other children exist.
8. I am very close with my family and sometimes living in NH is the hardest thing I do, but other times I am glad I am far away. Normally due to drama that doesn’t directly involve my immediate family.
9. I am the second oldest grandchild on each side of my family, both older cousins are girls.
10. I haven’t met all of my cousins.
10 things about your love interest:
1. Liam is stoic, most of the time, and so people rarely see him express himself emotionally.
2. When he does allow himself to be full of emotion, he’s more amazing than you can imagine. Anger, love, sadness, it doesn’t matter what emotion he’s showing, it’s strong and it’s something you need to see.
3. He loves fire. At parties he’s often the one adding copious amounts of wood or paper or whatever is burnable.
4. He’s generous with his money and sometimes not as generous with his time. This is something that goes back to that emotions thing. Also, his parents were the same way when he was a kid and I think that did something to him. We’re working on it.
5. He loves to troll me, to the point of me being angry, because he thinks it’s cute when I am mad.
6. He’s very smart, almost to the point of frustratingly smart. You will rarely be right and he will let you know you’re wrong. But he’s normally willing to explain that which you don’t know, without sound too patronizing.
7. He says that I’m his favorite. Even if we’re having a busy day/week/month or he’s stressed with work he always finds time to tell me that, it’s almost better than hearing I love you. Also, he provides the best elementary school kisses. We’re not making out people but he always finds some way to be physical.
8. He’s a fast driver, like a teenager. It’s terrifying. I normally read or sleep if we’re on a car ride longer than 30 minutes.
9. He was there for me even when I didn’t deserve him to be there. He’s never thrown my poor decisions back at me, even though they affected him.
10. He’s funny, and sometimes just super silly, and those are the times that I’m glad I get to see him every day, whenever I want, which is something I hope to never take for granted.
10 things you absolutely hate:
1. Having to be PC
2. Politics, though I do engage in the system by voting
3. When Netflix crashes
4. Loud/Noisy chewing
5. Stereotyping
6. People who continually cancel plans
7. People who bitch they are never invited places but then never accept the invitation when it comes
8. Pooping. Sorry. TMI
9. When you can’t clear your throat.
10. Body Odor
10 things you love:
1. Liam, family, friends,
2. Tattoos
3. Harry Potter
4. The Internets
5. Movies, going to the movies
6. Flowers
7. A soft warm towel after the shower
8. Swimming in a pool
9. The smell of rain
10. The way it smells before snow starts, the energy in the air and everything.

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