a liar, a monster, a patron saint of regression? in Sometimes I feel dead inside

  • Aug. 21, 2015, 10:55 a.m.
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won’t even give her eye contact. she doesn’t deserve it. is it betrayal? could that even be the case? is it jealousy? if so on who’s part? her actions have derailed what was supposed to be a lot of fun. should she find out? was the whole situation read wrong by everyone involved? in the moment everything felt malicious, now looking back, not so much. out of the wood work comes a hero to save the day, though more likely he’s trying to get into her good graces. never understood the urge of men to try and save a woman with the intention of getting sex out of it. he’s letting her know the troubled bad jerk she’s in company with. that the man she is with is more of an animal and doesn’t know how to treat a lady. but our hero does, he would take care of her and love her forever. something ridiculous like that, trying to basically throw out a marriage proposal. its sad and pathetic, she does not like this assault of character by a bystander on her company. by suggesting that she is associating with a less than wholesome crowd this man has by his attempt to “rescue” her has in fact insulted her intelligence. this invader under the guise of a hero has revealed himself to be a coward by whispering lies and assumptions. this train wrecked night has slowly turned on itself, this knight has found the damsel he was trying to save was the dragon. her face is partially in a snarl, the hero is failing as she tears into him, there’s entertainment in this as a smirk creeps out while watching her. this leads to a long apology from the now disposed cowardly hero, if he had a tail it would be between his legs as he sulked to the other side of the room.

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