A garden visit, Waterloo and The Horse Whisperer in The View from the Terrace

  • June 25, 2015, 8:48 p.m.
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We had a lovely afternoon last Sunday visiting an open garden in the grounds of a small manor house near here. The gardens are in two parts, those beside the house and a big lakeside garden across the road.
We have been there before as they sometimes open the gardens as a fundraiser for Samaritans where I am a volunteer. This year it was in aid of The Red Cross so I expect some of the money raised will go to Nepal. We went to another Red Cross event in April at a large manor house just up the road, that was a spring garden show and I bought quite a few things for the garden there.
I am really enjoying summer. I love that it is light until 10 o’clock and we have had some beautiful sunsets lately. My roses are just coming out and the pink ones always look lovely against the sunset. We are on a hill and the roses have grown rather tall so if you view them from the house they are against the sky.
I have been doing an online course about the Battle of Waterloo. I love history and this interests me because I think my great great great grandfather may have been there. He was a soldier in the light dragoons in 1816 so it seems likely. Also I grew up in Shrewsbury where we had a column with Lord Hill standing on the top. He came from Hawkstone in Shropshire and was Wellington’s right hand man. I wanted to go up the column when we visit Shrewsbury for the flower show in august but it seems you have to book and that weekend is booked up.
I enjoy doing these online courses. I have done one on psychology and a couple others on history and I’ve signed up for one on Wordsworth later this year.
I’ve just finished reading The Horse Whisperer. It is a good read but I think I preferred the film which is unususal for me. The ending in the book is different. It’s very well written though and the descriptions of the Montana landscape are awe inspiring.

Fawley Court where we visited on Sunday
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Whitfield where we went in April
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Last updated July 23, 2017

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