5/5 in --

  • May 5, 2015, 6:56 p.m.
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I’m not entirely sure where I left off, or what I’ve said lately. I’ve managed to mix up a bunch of dates for appointments and due dates for assignments. Life has been very busy so I always forget things.

My presentation was yesterday. It went okay, except I talked too fast and ended it before the time I was supposed to fill. Oh, well. I’m sure it won’t get me a failing grade. I’ve got almost 100% in that class anyway! My last day of that class is tomorrow, and after I finish my paper and turn it in, I’ll be done.
In my other class, the final is next week and I’ll need to turn in a short article summary and I’ll be done with that. The end is in sight…
and then I get a whole two weeks off before the madness begins again. Not looking forward to it, but I guess I have to get it done.

Despite being very busy, I’m constantly bored. I clean, write papers, do things with my kids, and read forums on the internet and watch RuPaul’s Drag Race and re-runs of America’s Next Top Model, but I am so bored. My friend and I are trying to figure out a date we can go thrift shopping, but nothing’s come of it. She left me a message last Saturday about getting to leave work early at 11pm and wanting to go out or something, but that didn’t happen either. ;(

I need some adventure.

Jacob said we should go to Colorado at the end of May, but it’s looking like I’ll have to get my wisdom teeth out instead. Fuck. I’ve been having jaw pain where my wisdom teeth is and my gums back there are ripped and it’s not fun. Now to find the time to see the dentist… I don’t really have the time to take care of myself or anyone to watch the kids. Jacob is busy trying to write his last paper for his class so I’ve had to take on the brunt of the childcare (which isn’t anything unusual anyway, but yeah).

I really should be finishing up research.... I put Thomas on for the kids so I can get some done, at least. Jacob won’t be home until after 7pm tonight. I’m just really exhausted and I don’t feel like doing anymore. Bleh.

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