Stolen from my Mom in Surveys!

  • April 1, 2015, 9:02 a.m.
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DO YOU LIVE IN A HOUSE OR AN APARTMENT? Home, three floors. Basement with a finished side and one side with our wood burning stove.

WOULD YOU SAY IT IS BIG OR SMALL? It’s large. We moved here when we were intending to adopt. Too big for us now that we’ve decided not to.


DOES IT SAY SOMETHING? It might say welcome it’s buried under leaves at the moment. I know it’s green.

DO YOU HAVE A DISHWASHER OR DO YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR DISHES BY HAND? I have a dishwasher. It’s broken at the moment and while our landlords want to replace it we can’t get anything up the front walk due to snow. Soon though. I do prefer to wash now that I have a window so I can see outside.


DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE THAT YOU PUT YOUR KEYS? I keep my keys in my purse. My car is keyless and we don’t lock up.

IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR STOCKED WITH ANYTHING? HAHAHAHAHAHA No, it’s not stocked. We do have various beers that have been left over since we moved in, maybe 9 months worth. And I think there is lemonade in there. I buy as I cook, with just two people I don’t need much. We do have a small, packed, freezer but I don’t know whats in there.


IS YOUR BATHROOM CLEAN? One was cleaned recently the other is kind of a wreck, my laundry is in there and so it’s always lint-y and full of clothing that is either clean or about to be clean

WHAT IS YOUR BATHROOM’S THEME? No themes. Our big bathroom has black, white, and purple stuff.

HOW MANY RUGS DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR DWELLING SPACE? None. Our kitchen rug got wet before the first big snow storm and went to the deck and hasn’t been back in. It’s trash now I’m sure. We have carpeting everywhere but the kitchen and dining room.

DO YOU KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS? I know three of the men but never met their wives. Mostly because the men take care of the snow removal and this was a big snow year.

IF SO DO YOU GET ALONG WITH THEM? We chat when we’re outside but we don’t hang together.

ARE THERE ANY STRAY CATS AROUND? No. I live in an affluent area and I’m sure that is frowned upon. Also, we butt up against the woods. There are other animals though. Foxes, deer, turkeys, and I’m sure fishercats (which are native to this area of NH)

DO YOU HAVE A DVD PLAYER IN YOUR BEDROOM? No it’s in the living room

WHICH ROOM WOULD YOU SAY YOU SPEND THE MOST TIME IN? Our basement houses our PC’s so there is where we normally are. I love my bedroom. When we have people here we use the living room/dining room and I like cooking but now right now since it’s so cold in the kitchen.

DO YOU HAVE A POOL OR JACUZZI WHERE YOU LIVE? No but if we were going to buy we’d probably put one in.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DVD THAT YOU OWN? The Harry Potter movies (though they are blu-ray)

HOW ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE CD THAT YOU OWN? I don’t own many. I think the Audrey Assad one is my favorite. Or Frozen

WHERE IS YOUR STEREO OR RADIO LOCATED IN YOUR HOME? No stereo. We have PC’s and Laptops and Phones and TV’s.

DO YOU HAVE A COFFEE MAKER? Yes, my mom bought it for when she visits. I was using it a lot during the heavy snow storms.

DO YOU HAVE AN AREA DESIGNATED FOR ALCOHOL? I have a wine rack that also holds some other liquor and I have two bottles in the dining room that we got for NYE.


DO YOU HAVE STAIRS? More than I’d like.

WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU HAVE ON YOUR WALLS? Not much. Some art-deco/modern black boxes with seasonal stuff on them. my nephews paintings. my degree. a photo a friend took and framed. some pictures in the living room of my family.

WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOUR TOOTHPASTE? In the upstairs bathroom it’s in a bin with Liams things and in the smaller one on the living floor it’s in a black plastic drawer thing. (I use that bathroom most often)

DO YOU HAVE A DEN OR AN OFFICE? Yes, in the basement. Liam and I both have corner IKEA desks with our PC’s

DO YOU LIVE CLOSE TO ANY STORES? HAHA No. I do have a market and a convenience store about 2 miles away but everything else is about 8-10 miles (about 20 minutes in either direction)

DO YOU HAVE A WALK IN CLOSET AND IF NOT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE ONE? In Liam’s room (which was our room but with snoring I have my stuff in another room where I sleep) we have two walk-ins, but not those audacious large ones, just enough to literally walk in. In my room it’s a standard sliding door closet and in the smaller guest room it’s just a tiny storage area.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING HANGING FROM THE CEILING? A chandelier in the dining room and a small hanging light over the sink in the kitchen. A ceiling an in the master bedroom.

DOES YOUR KITCHEN HAVE A THEME? Messy? No theme there. I do decorate for the seasons but nothing for spring yet as I still need to get all the Christmas stuff away

IS IT A PAIN TO DUST YOUR LIVING SPACE? Do people dust still… I dust very rarely, normally when people are coming over which doesn’t happen a lot. We live far from most of our friends and my family is in PA. Liam’s parents haven’t been in ages so.... it’s pretty dusty right now.

WHAT’S UNDER YOUR BED? Nothing is under my bed, maybe one storage container with old curtains. And nothing under Liam’s either. I don’t like things under beds.

DO YOU HAVE A GAME SYSTEM? We have an Xbox 360 I think. Never use it.

HOW MANY TELEPHONES ARE IN YOUR HOME? 2 cell phones and a house phone. I know, we’re so retro. We get very little cell coverage in our neck of the woods.

DO YOU HAVE A FIREPLACE AND IF SO DO YOU USE IT OFTEN? We do, we use it when company comes. And then of course the wood burning stove that we used all winter.

WHAT KIND OF MICROWAVE DO YOU HAVE? Dunno, Mom bought that too. It’s white

DO YOU HAVE ANY FIGURINES OF ANGELS AROUND? Not normally but my nativity sets are still out. I’m lame.

DO YOU LIKE TO OPEN THE BLINDS OR CURTAINS OR KEEP THEM SHUT? We keep things open. Don’t have blinds in the bedrooms though I might get some. On the living floor we have those pull down, whole window deals but they haven’t been down at all.

HOW MANY COMPUTERS ARE IN YOUR DWELLING SPACE? Two laptops, two PC’s and two smart phones. So 6.

WHAT COMPANY DO YOU USE FOR INTERNET ACCESS AND HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? TDS. I don’t know what we pay. We have cable too but the box is in the master bedroom (need to move it) so we don’t use it. When family is here we move it to the living room and when Downton Abbey is on I use it.

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