Things in Hello.

  • March 22, 2015, 7:05 a.m.
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It’s Sunday and the sun is shining. Eleanor and I are watching cartoons, Bel has gone to visit her cousin’s family and the boys are still in bed. My dad is doing his annual 32 mile sponsored walk that I was too lazy to train for this year. He’ll probably be about a third of the way in by now. He’s done it almost every year since 1977, only missing 4. I think he just does it for fun these days.
Last night I went out for drinks with some of the women from work. It started off ok, we were having a bit of a laugh, and then the pubs started to empty, and it stopped being fun. We walked past a girl who was trying to headbutt a hole in the wall. She was obviously very distressed, screaming and crying. The lad she was with was stood back a way, watching her. I don’t know what the circumstances were, I tried to get close but she turned aggressive, so I went and told a bouncer. He did fuck all. That really maddened me. I didn’t know what to do, there was already loads of police flying around and other people were doing the same as me, trying to get close then stepping away as she started to flail. So that made me thoroughly miserable. There was only three of us left on our night out by this point. We went into a pub that has a front bit and a back bit. The back bit had a rock tribute band, lots of sweaty, hairy men and people headbanging. So I ran off and had a bit of a boogie to Rock and Roll by Led Zep (again, Shellie!) and when I turned round, my colleagues looked like a pair of bulldogs licking piss off a nettle. I wish I’d stayed put, but it was somebody’s party (no one cared I was there!) so thought it best not to gatecrash for too long. So I went in the front bit with them and listened to really loud shit music while they looked miserable.
It might have been more fun if there were more of us, I suppose. Apart from the girl hurting herself. :(

I’m starting not to like one of my colleagues. Laura started there the same time I did, only she’s not as outgoing as I am, which is fine, not everyone is. From day one I tried to fit in, talking to everyone, being chatty, taking part in social things. Laura has never tried, I get the impression she’s trying to get me to “side” with her, it always seems to be “us and them” as far as she’s concerned. Every time she gets shown how to do something, gets given a bit of constructive criticism or told how to do her displays properly, she comes and hisses to me that she’s been doing this job for years, she doesn’t need to be told how to do it, blah blah. I’ve worked in shops for years too, but I haven’t worked in THIS shop, so I don’t mind being told what to do. She especially hates it when our colleagues tell her how to do this and that…I don’t know why she lets it bother her so much. I’d rather be shown than not do it properly.
Yesterday we’d had flurries of people in the shop. It would go mad busy for 10 minutes, then be dead for 10. It had suddenly gone quiet and I was having a bit of a giggle with Taryn when the manager walked in. I admit it looked bad, the shop was dead and we were idling. He said, really nicely “you two can’t stand gossiping when the shop is dead, there’s always plenty of jobs that can be done, cleaning, replenishing, but chatting isn’t one of them.” Taryn (who is only 16) went and grabbed a bit of paper and a pen to do replenishment. When the manager had gone she said she’d never been told off at work before and she was upset. I told her it wasn’t a telling off, it just looked bad that we had been doing nothing at the moment he’d walked in. She should just take it on the chin and crack on. The next time the manager walked past, I cracked a joke with him, but Taryn just put her head down and went quiet. When he’d gone, Laura piped up that it was disgusting, how dare he speak to us like that, we’d done nothing wrong. Even though I told her I didn’t care, it was fine, she kept going on and on about it. ·sigh·

I suppose I’d better go feed my offspring. We’ve been watching Edward Scissorhands again (her new favourite film) and now we’re watching Spirited Away. :)

Last updated March 22, 2015

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