Guts in Hello.

  • Feb. 10, 2015, 3:47 p.m.
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My stomach is still giving me grief. It’s cramping every time I am hungry, then cramping in gratitude when I eat. I started taking Buscopan on Angie’s advice, which helps a little bit. But my head seems to know what I can and can’t eat, because I’m just craving plain, simple food. Even the thought of fruit is making me cramp. Orange juice seems to be ok in small quantities. This morning I ate a small pack of Sainsbury`s sushi, then for dinner I had some leftover lamb with brown rice. Kicking myself because I’d been looking forward to making some sort of Moroccan inspired lamb thing on Monday, but then could only eat a tiny bit and even then I was in agony.
I am feeling a LOT better than I was, but I’m aware that the pain is more than likely to be gall bladder induced than a normal stomach bug. I’m hoping it is just an episode rather than a long term thing, as I am slap bang in the middle of the demographic for gall bladder problems (mother in her 40s).

Pain below my right ribs that radiates upwards into the shoulder blade, cramping when I eat, feeling of trapped wind…I know I shouldn’t Google, but I did and that’s what came up. As it is on the mend (I hope!) I won’t bother with the doctor unless it happens again.

John and I are going out for dinner next Monday. :) It’s very rare that happens nowadays. Only problem is that all the restaurants are closed on a Monday (hence it being John’s night off!) so it looks like it might be a romantic pub meal, maybe even the place where Rob works in the kitchen! Bel is sensible enough that she can babysit for a couple of hours. Looking forward to it.

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