More diet in Hello.

  • Jan. 21, 2015, 9:54 a.m.
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I realise that reading about people’s diets are boring, so don’t feel obliged to read or comment on this, it’s for my own benefit.
I’ve been doing the Dukan now for two weeks and have lost 6lb overall. I’m pleased with that, that’s a nice steady weight loss.
My only problem is, the last time I did the Dukan and lost 3 stone I wasn’t working. Now I am working and I find it difficult to drink as much water as I’d like to. I’m also exhausted by the end of the day and usually have a headache. I am well aware it’s a very low carb diet, which means I shouldn’t really be exerting myself. But in all honesty I thought that bimbling about in a shop all day wouldn’t be that hard!
As well as all that, I’m missing fruit anyway. I keep eyeing up blueberries and smoothies and being jealous that I can’t have them.
So I’ve decided to change tack and I’m going for the sensible low calorie and moderate exercise instead. I’m not confident enough yet to start running, but I have an exercise bike, my stairs, my 30 day shred DVDs and the lovely Lake District on my doorstep.
I’ve also rejoined My Fitness Pal so I can keep a track of my calories. I’ve had some chocolate this morning, which I wouldn’t have been allowed on the Dukan at all. I missed it. It’s the nicest chocolate I’ve ever had.
I can’t do the 5:2 diet, I lack the discipline to just diet on some days. It’s all or nothing with me. My Fitness Pal has allowed me 1,200 calories a day, with an aim to losing 1.7lb a week. This means I should (hopefully!) reach my target in about 30 weeks or by 19th August.
I’m using these photos as my incentive. I always put weight on in my face, I like how thin my face and neck are in the first pic.
 photo 013-13.jpg
 photo IMG_39674886993761_zpsf288534f.jpeg

Last updated January 21, 2015

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