light week in my challenge

  • June 27, 2014, 2:04 p.m.
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so next week will be a light week. this week my workouts sucked. my reps were low, i had no energy. sure i tried to turn up the weight anyhow but my body is just saying no. when it gets achy and annoyed with me like this i know i should have a light week. its been about 5 weeks since my last one. it sucks cause i don't want to do a light week. its pretty much just going to be cardio. the body needs recovery time i guess. i hate it, but i know that once recovery week is over my numbers will jump up again. which is exciting. cutting down on my supplements while on this rest week. not the good stuff just the stuff that might be making me sick. all week after my workout i eat, usually lean steak and veggies and then i get sick as a dog an hour or 4 later. not too pleased with that mess. maybe the steak was bad, maybe the supplements were bad, maybe i've just caught some stomach bug that only bothers me at my apt. going to science that one out. anyhow i am going to finish out this poor workout week. hopefully strong then decide if i am going to change up programs after rest week or continue the same way with the much heavier weight. any suggestions would be welcomed and possibly tried out. maybe not though depends on the suggestion.

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