7/5/2022 in My Dearest Husband Diaries

  • July 5, 2022, 8:18 p.m.
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My dearest husband …

I have a secret to confess. You’ve heard the rumors, you’ve even confronted me about said rumors. But because you didn’t ask the right questions, you didn’t use your damn brain, I was able to evade and convince you that you were misinformed.

My secret is my only hope of screwing you over. It will never do the damage to you that you did to me. But it is all that I have and I won’t give it away to you until I’m good and ready.

Yes, for 27 days, I was receiving your text messages on my new iPad. I have no clue why I was only receiving some of your text messages, but there you go. I don’t know what you did on your iPhone that only select phone numbers were being saved to our family iCloud account. You should have probably checked that or something.

Of course you are convinced that I somehow hacked your phone through the family Apple account. Thank you for thinking me that gifted. Most days I struggle to turn my damn phone on so for you to think I’m smart enough to hack into your phone, well thank you. But I didn’t. It was pure dumb luck and outright stupidity on your part that your text messages ended up on my iPad. 

Thank you, by the way, for finally creating your own Apple account and removing yourself from the family one. I have to admit, becoming obsessed with reading your texts with your whore was by far the most damaging thing I have ever done to myself. I will forever be suffering the consequences of that decision. I definitely didn’t think it through. Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

But thanks to your texts, I have proof of everything I need to secure my future with your financial ruin. Oh, and your whore’s financial ruin as well. Did you ever Google “alienation of affection” like I told you to? 

If we go to court for our divorce, you’ll live to regret it. Your deepest, darkest secrets will be known. Your plans to gaslight me. The admittance of the lies and deliberately mis-leading me these past 5 years. And then there are the lies you told your whore about me, about us. Take me to court, please.

Can you comprehend, my dearest husband, how devastating it was to read everything you freely give her while I have had to beg, plead, and go without these past 30 years? I’ll never understand why you have to be so cruel to me.

But as I said, your text messages with her, will help ensure that I rebuild my life, better than ever. I’m fixing to embark on a Bucket List of epic porportions, with your money. I’ll be sure to tick some of your items off the list for you. Maybe I will even send you a postcard.

But my ultimate revenge? My “Golden Ticket”? My, “I’ll teach that whore, and you, a lesson in messing with the wrong Bitch”? The half naked picture she sent you while she was at work. I can’t wait to send it to her supervisors. Especially because you were dumb enough to ask her where she took the picture and she was even more dumb to tell you that she took it in her file room at work. I wonder how this prestigious medical office, where she is but an admin assistant, will feel about her sending half nude pictures while on the clock, to a married man. Talk about a lack of professionalism. Yep, I’m going to really enjoy ruining you as well, Bitch. And lets just see how “happy” you both are without money to make ends meet. You both will be too busy working to pay bills and pay me each month to find time to spend together. You should have kept your own damn husband instead of stealing mine. 

I really hate the person I am becoming.

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