sports jabs in 2021

  • Oct. 12, 2021, 3:56 p.m.
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I am currently sitting at work, which used to be my default writing time, but the last year/two has been weird around here [and every where] and I’ve also taken on more responsibility with clients.

Technically, I should probably admit, that I am also currently watching the White Sox/Astros game on a split screen. hah. I mean they’re about to hardcore let me down in this series and get knocked out of the playoffs, but hey it’s been a decent run this year. A lot of firsts that we haven’t accomplished since the 2005-2008 years. As much as I love them I expected them to get knocked out on Sunday so it’s nice to at least get another chance and give the fans some tiny hope. I don’t want to call it early but we are at the top of the 8th with a 7-1 Houston lead. We’ll try again next year!

So I’m not usually much of a sports person but EC has definitely contributed to my renewed spark in my teams. At least I’ve stuck with the same teams since I was a little kid. It just hasn’t always looked that great for us and I didn’t pay that much attention other than occasionally checking a score. Now we watch all the games all the time. I knew EC was VERY into sports before we got together so I can’t complain. It’s good bonding time for us and I have convinced him to watch a couple trashy TV shows with me as well.

The only reason I’m really watching this one is because it’s a big game and also because I’m at work alone. Mom got that jab on Friday. Felt bad on Saturday [tired mostly], was almost back to good on Sunday, and then woke up in a bad way yesterday. Super tired, sore throat, body aches, some chills. No fever. It was to the point that she laid around on the couch all day. She never does that, but I could tell she needed the rest. She tried to rally today to come to work but only made it for a short time. Her throat is super swollen. Can’t tell if it’s lymph nodes [which is a side effect] or a tonsil issue. After my tonsil issues a couple years ago I definitely understand how she’s feeling. She barely even ate this morning. Tried to get a doc appt but they don’t have anything until Thursday. We’ll see how she feels. Hopefully I don’t have to take her to the ER.

I would consider going to get her tested but it would be a hell of a coincidence for her to get sick the same weekend she got the shot. Plus my immune system is basically non-existent and I have yet to feel anything. We were exposed to the same people the last week and I’ve been around her a lot. I would definitely expect to feel sick by now. We only hit a couple stores on Friday [first time we’d been anywhere all week] and most of them were empty. A lot less exposure than our normal weeks. So yeah, I’m going to chalk it up to a crazy immune response until I hear/see otherwise. I wouldn’t doubt it either. Our bodies are known to react in weird ways. Like not even being affected by morphine. I just hope she feels better soon. We’ve got a lot going on the next few days/weeks.

Anyway, I don’t have anything that exciting to report but at least I’m here right? Perhaps rambling on about the most mundane things will continue to spark a desire to write and I’ll actually document something good.

This weekend my “cousin” [family friend we are close to] is having her engagement party. I want to attend, but I get my programming done on Friday and I am praying my response is not going to be anything like this. If I’m feeling alright then EC and I will probably go and take the appetizers we offered to make. Not sure what yet. Debating on meatballs, lumpias, some kind of dip/veggies, crab rangoon [our new wonton discovery!], or I don’t know. We make so many different things and now that I need some good ideas, I’m blanking. I hope I feel good enough to attend. I would love to celebrate with them!

To be honest, we didn’t really think it would get to the point of marriage. No offense to them, but he doesn’t seem like her type. They recently had to make some life changes and ended up moving in together. Knowing the family the way we do [they are pretty religious/conservative] it’s a good possibility that they decided to get engaged so that people wouldn’t talk sh*t about them living together. I could be totally wrong here, and I shouldn’t even say anything, but they’ll never see this. I just hope she’s happy and that’s all that matters!

I better go now. They just brought me payroll hours [5 minutes before I close] so I’d like to get that done before I leave.
Also, the White Sox officially lost so I need to go find some tissues for my tears…


Last updated October 12, 2021

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