Wimbledon 2 in All Good Things

  • May 4, 2014, 10:39 a.m.
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It was. Thursday was one of the best days of my life. Friday and Saturday were pretty perfect, too.

After a long conversation with Simon on Thursday between shows, my 'love' for him is now cemented.... I love that man's energy so much. It is exactly what I need in my life right now.

Will came to see the show on Saturday night, but I was sitting with some of my other friends in the front row so I didn't have to sit next to him while watching Jon and Simon. That would have been......interesting. I have before, but that was before I'd got to know them so well, when they were still just actors on a stage.

He actually talked more to my mother on the train back into London than he's talked to me in the past month. Then, when we got home, all of a sudden he was in a talkative mood and didn't vanish into his studio like he usually does, except by then I was having a reaction to the aftermath of the week and couldn't cope with listening to him ramble on about art. I really didn't care right then. So I went to bed, saying I wasn't feeling well - which I wasn't - but then Annette messaged me and we were having a message conversation about our week of delight until after 2am, when Will finally came to bed. I think he was a bit annoyed that I was still awake...

The thing is, this week it was made really clear just how toxic his energy is for me. Spending all my time with Jon, Simon, Evangeline, Annette, Keiko, Sharon, Jennifer and the others for the past few days, I feel uplifted and creative and energetic and eager and joyful. The contrast when I'm with Will is staggering. I feel like he shuts me down, drowns me, blinds me, defeats me. We hardly said a word to each other last night - which is probably why my mother tried so hard to keep the conversation going. She and he get on really well because they have a lot of interests in common, most particularly painting and religion - neither of which I know much about, nor care.

Anyway, I'm off to Canterbury for the week on Tuesday. I can't imagine that it could possibly live up to the past few weeks, but I'm intending to enjoy it to the utmost.

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