Fuck Adulthood in That Coming of Age Story

  • April 30, 2014, 10 p.m.
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Well I am finished. Today was my last exam and I aced it! I was so happy because let me tell you geology is not my forte. I am very happy with my grades so far…except of course for my psych 318 class. That class has a very high failing rate so I am pretty worried about what I made on my research paper and my final exam. When I finally get my grade for that class I can breath…or cry.

Aside from that I am going back home this week. I am very excited. I just really want to see my family. However, I am very stressed out about a lot of other things.

I lost my job two days ago. The factory I work for does not have enough work for its employees so I can’t come back to work for them this summer. I was so pissed when my boss told me. He was very nice about it and I know it isn’t his fault but it was a big let down.

So now I have to worry about getting a new job. That is not an easy thing to do nowadays. And the job that I lost paid me $10 an hour and I worked at least 60 hours a week, sometimes 69 a week. So yea that was really good money. I won’t find another job like that. I will have to find two food service jobs in order to make sure I have everything I need. It is just really hard paying for everything yourself when you are 19.

In addition to that I have to worry about where I am going to live. Me and Lillie have been looking for a place to live since we are moving out of here. We have had minimal luck in that department. And even if we do find a place I have to worry about being able to pay for it since I currently have no fucking job.

I just really wish I could catch a break. I wanted to get a car this summer. I was so close to being completely independent but that is now shot to hell. There is no way I will have enough money to get a decent car if I am barely making anything.

Pfft, I am just a little depressed now. I just want things in my life to be stable. I have never had that and I am old enough to be in control of my life, but I am still not in control. It’s an interesting and stressful thing growing up. Adulthood is hard.

(sigh) I have to start packing all my things away today. I will be going home in about two days. It’s not going to be fun. I have to say goodbye to my friends again. It’s a sad thing to do. I had to say goodbye to Karla today, she moved to California to be with her husband and I will miss her dearly.

Thank goodness Taylor and Lillie will be with me next semester.

Let’s just hope I don’t end up back in the dorms…that is a depressing place to be.

I was going to try to end this entry on a positive note, but I can’t really think of anything positive at the moment.

Well…I hope everyone else is doing better than I am and for those who are dying to grow up…cherish the time you have. Time will go by faster than you know. Enjoy childhood. Enjoy the time when life is simple.

Last updated September 01, 2014

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