I love... (thanks to .essie. for the inspiration) in All Good Things

  • April 20, 2014, 4:13 p.m.
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Right now I love Jon and Simon and Chris and I love that I get to spend the next five weeks with them. They are inspiring my transformation and I’m so very grateful to have them: life and peace and happiness. I love the universe for giving them to me right now when I most badly needed them. And I love revelations and realisations and the wonder of people and connections and the thrill of whatever is going to happen next. I love that I’ve quit my job. I love that I get to go to Scotland the day after tomorrow to be with some of the people I love most in the world. I love all my new friends. I love the bluebells blooming all over London and the endless fields of golden rapeseed across England. I love my piano and the fact that I can still play Beethoven despite not having touched it for years. I love my dad’s cat and can’t wait to see him again. I love first class train travel on busy weekends. I love Scottish water. I love the week I’ve just had. I love the day I’ve just had. And, all of a sudden, I really love Twitter.

Last updated January 11, 2016

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