
Entries 34

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"It wasn't me" "Don't pull the Shaggy defence on me!"

"What are you doing?" "I'm looking on Shakira's Facebook Page to try and find something. I swear she had a photo of herself holding a pug who was wrapped in the Colombian flag" "Wouldn't it jus...

Conversation with Lena who (apart from from Catherine) is my longest serving female friend Me: "That one time we shared a hotel room together and we didn't even hook up" Lena: "Dude! We're best...

"Freedom of Speech is the liberty to say what you like, not a freedom from any kind of criticism if the views you freely express happen to be ill thought out rubbish."

"A Nuremberg of drapes, dry ice and stark lighting, where the powers that be force you to click through a series of online profile pictures before sending you on a blind date with your own body" ...

Because... I'm Racist I'm pro-rape I prefer to work more hours for less pay, unpaid annual leave, no sickness benefits and no security against being arbitrarily fired I fear homosexual rain wiz...

For the benefit of my American readers UKIP is our equivalent of your Tea Party. These were various reasons I decided I would vote for UKIP in the election we just had 1: As a Colombian I alread...

"Watching Remembrance of the Daleks. Noticing that Joseph Marcell's scene is all about how his life got flipped, turned upside down..."

Kira Taban: "I can hear the Prophets calling me Nerys" Me: "Why are they calling him by his daughters name?"

May 17, 2014

Pinocchio in Nine Dollar Phrases

Leslie: "Your nose healed fast" Me: "Probably because I lie so much"

"If you burn horribly to death in flames or choke to death on the smoke I won't shed any tears but unfortunately I'm employed to legally ensure your safety"

I like nicknames. I come from a culture (Colombian) where nicknames are common place. I know my Grandmother by a nickname and address most of my cousins by nicknames. Nicknames though can be both...

April 29, 2014

A Good Book in Nine Dollar Phrases

Karen: "Do you remember the name of the book I recommended you read?" Me: "Erm, The Bible?" This is funnier if you know that my cousin is a proselytising Jehova's Witness

"I bought [a book] at Foyles the other day. It was only three quid so it was practically free" "You really don't understand economics do you?"

"I've got a little Indian in me" "You had sex with Andy?" "No! My Mum!" "Your Mum had sex with Andy?!"

April 03, 2014

Too Soon in Nine Dollar Phrases

"Are you sure you're not gonna come to the restaurant?" "I've already eaten thanks" "Come for a drink then?" "Well.. I dunno, could I? That would be a bit weird if I didn't order food and then...

"You like Cox?" "Well there's two Brian Cox's are there? There's the actor and then there's the scientist who's a lot taller so let me be clear that I like big Cox" "Yup and that Cox certainly ...

This is a typical joke in Finland as told to me by my friend Juha. Two guys are sat in a bar in Helsinki drinking vodka. After 4 hours have passed one guy says "It's getting cold in here, shall ...

Leslie and I are currently watching the BBC adaptation of Little Dorrit. Mr Clennam has just taken the titular heroine to a coffee shop {Onscreen}: "I have never been to such a place as this" ...

"Sperm deleted!" I of course meant to say spam.

February 23, 2014

Nazi Glue in Nine Dollar Phrases

"Did you really think the horse was gonna be manning a machine gun?" "Yeah of course! It's there in the title. War Horse. A Horse who fights Wars!" "Well he did kind of fight in the war" "Yeah...

February 23, 2014

All For One in Nine Dollar Phrases

"What do you call those guys who play music in the tube station again? Busketeers?"

February 22, 2014

An Engine? in Nine Dollar Phrases

"What would be the collective noun for a group of steam punk cosplayers?" "A contrivance?"

"Siri, What DID the Fox say?" "THE WISDOM OF FOXES IS ANCIENT AND YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW" I was NOT expecting that!

"Wars will come and wars will go but the sausage will go on forever" Leslie and I sometimes watch Yesterday (the UK equivalent of the History Channel) and they often air news reels and propagan...

Books 2

33 Entries

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