

by Babe In Toyland

Entries 205

Page 7 of 9

January 19, 2015


Before Christmas, college was helping Rob and his mates fill out their UCAS forms, which were due in last week. Rob had his personal statement all written up, he’d had it proof read by John (the ...

January 16, 2015


I realise that I haven’t been talking too much about my new job, simply because I feel this is a stop gap between now and The Ranger Job™. I mean, obviously my employers aren’t aware of this fact...

January 14, 2015


My dad sent me a text the other day to tell me he’s retiring at the end of March. He tried it once, he didn’t like it much. He used to work for BT, worked for them about 25 years, but when they w...

January 13, 2015

Skyrim and makeup

As I predicted, the huge weight loss and huge migraine was down to me being severely dehydrated. On Sunday I was down to 13st 0.4lb, a weight loss of 8.2lb since Tuesday. Yesterday (Monday) is my...

January 11, 2015


Today is the first Sunday in about two months where I wasn’t working/needing to go out and I was looking forward to having a lazy day, just vegging in my pyjamas and get some chores done. But I w...

January 08, 2015

Too big.

Boring diet entry. Feel free to skip. Once again I am dieting. I did well keeping my weight at an acceptable level when I was working, but when I stopped, I stopped feeling the need to do any exe...

January 04, 2015

New year

We started the new year with a house of ill. John is just getting over a really bad cold with almost flu like symptoms, then I started with it on Friday night. John didn’t help very much by makin...

December 28, 2014

Christmas etc.

I’ve had an incredibly busy couple of weeks. Work has been hectic and no one has really had any time to show me the more complex applications of the till (giving credit notes, taking gift voucher...

December 16, 2014

Didn't get it.

I didn’t get that job. A bit sad because it DID sound like fun, but in a way it’s kind of a relief because I was worried about working it around this job. The reply I got was very nice. “Dear So...

December 12, 2014

Job 2 interview.

I’ve just been for my interview as a costumed interpreter. It was....novel to say the least! The job would involve talking about what the member of staff would do in the house, in my case I would...

December 08, 2014

Happy times

I’ve done three days at work now, and I have to say, it seems great so far. I basically know what I’m doing, Once you’ve worked in one shop, you’ve worked in them all! The till is straight forwar...

December 03, 2014


As you know, I am out of work at the moment. I did have a really good job in a charity shop in the next town, but not driving meant I had to rely on lifts and buses. This was not only expensive, ...

November 27, 2014


So I might have a job! :) The one I had a surprise interview for a few entries back and it took them ages to get back in touch to tell me I’d been unsuccessful. The manager got back in touch with...

November 25, 2014

Busy bee!

I’m so busy with knitting orders right now. I’m in the process of making a couple of hat and scarf sets, trying to perfect my own design and write out the pattern for my mam to test before it goe...

November 24, 2014

College adventures

Friday and Saturday was my second college session going towards my countryside and environment qualification. Friday started off with a photography session for a press release. We posed pretendin...

November 23, 2014

Dogs and jobs

My parents are getting a new dog! They lost their Border collie, Meg, on her 16th birthday in August this year, and they said they wouldn’t get another one. I honestly didn’t think they would, se...

November 18, 2014

And again...

Remember the entry a couple back, where I was talking about people who didn’t understand me/I didn’t understand them and I thought I was going crackers? It’s happened again. Yesterday evening Bel...

November 09, 2014

Where I'm at...

The job situation in this town is awful. All I want is a job that’s roughly 9-5. That’s it, something I can work around the kids without them being left on their own for hours when John goes to w...

November 06, 2014


Sometimes I seriously wonder about my sanity. I’m the kind of person that doesn’t like to just blindly think what I’m “supposed” to think. It really actually frustrates me that some people live t...

November 05, 2014


I know other people’s dreams are incredibly boring, so please don’t feel obliged to read or comment, I’ve just put this here for my benefit so I can try and figure out what it’s about. I don’t be...

November 02, 2014

No job

I didn’t get the job in the shop. The first I knew about it was when there was an article on the front of the local paper about the new department that was opening, with a photograph of the two n...

October 18, 2014

Lazy Days

I love the weekend. The girls are good at getting themselves breakfast, so I usually stay in bed as long as possible listening to the radio. This morning I only got up to make us a cup of tea, th...

October 14, 2014

Very quickly.....

Just a short entry because I’ve just bought a steam mop and I want to go play with it. (Got my back dated Tax Credits, and the mop was down from £150 to £50 in Argos. I’ve been wanting one for aa...

October 10, 2014


It’s most definitely autumn now! A couple of weeks ago it was still t shirt weather, now it’s gone really chilly and the leaves seem to have changed colour overnight. The heating hasn’t gone on y...

October 03, 2014

Day by day

It looks like autumn is finally here. It’s been uncharacteristically warm these past couple of weeks, which has been great because Rob is off sailing all week. This morning the sky is grey, it’s ...

Book Description

I’m new here. I followed some people from Open Diary.