
In the Nude

by Blue Skies

Entries 7

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January 05, 2020

Bad At Love

Not much has changed since my last post. I have been playing nice because our daughter’s birthday was early December then we had Christmas. I figured I would table the divorce until after the hol...

November 03, 2019

Divorce and Detox

It looks like my marriage is crumbing to the end. It’s over. It’s been over. I just never had the guts to do anything about it. I have a child, plus, financially dependent on him. He’s a great fa...

March 09, 2015

Text to my Husband

It’s hard for me to talk to u in person. I feel so disconnected with you. I’ve built a wall around you bc I’m tired of being hurt by you again. It’s left me too vulnerable, and it’s messed with h...

December 29, 2014

What's love got to do with it?

I had a pretty good Christmas. Maya was definitely into it so the holidays have a different meaning. After we came home from my inlaws on Christmas I didn’t leave my apartment until I had to go ...

December 02, 2014

99 problems

So I’ve been on Prozac now for about 2 1/2 weeks. I do feel a little better, even call my dr about increasing my dosage, but she wanted to wait another week and take it from there. Today was the ...

November 21, 2014

Prozac Nation

I’ve been seeing a therapist from work for over a month. 2 weeks ago she gave a number to a psychiatrist. She thinks I should look into getting on antidepressants and continue therapy with her. ...

November 01, 2014

Naked is a State of Mind

I used to be on open diary, but unfortunately that is no longer around so I need to find another place where I can vent. I spent my entire 30s on that site, really captured my life and met some a...

Book Description

I used to be on open diary, but unfortunately that is no longer around so I need to find another place where I can vent. I spent my entire 30s on that site, really captured my life and met some amazing people who I still keep in touch with to this day. I hope I can recreate that energy here.

I just turned 40 in June. In the past 3 years I graduated grad school, got preg, then married and then became a mom. It was a lot of change in a short period. For the longest time I never thought it would happen for me, being a married mom that is. I dated a lot, but had a hard time making that connection. I hid a lot of who I was bc I really didn’t think someone would truly love me for who I was. Then I met my husband and that changed. It was one of the few times that I was so comfortable in my relationship.

The problem was, and is, is that my relationship has been built on lies. My husband is a smooth liar sometimes and it’s hard to see what are truths and what is bullshit. As much as I love him and as much as he’s my best friend, he’s also my worst enemy. It’s all very confusing.

I’ve been going thru am incredibly tough time the past two years and I hope that my return to writing will help me sort my thoughts and emotions. I’m also back in therapy. I need to become the woman I used to be; strong, independent and fearless. I have a little girl who loves and looks up to me. Failure is no longer an option.

So there it is. My life. Messy, confusing, and sometimes out of control. What I do know is that I love my daughter more than anyone , including myself. If it wasn’t for her, my life would be meaningless. That god I have her- she literally saved my life.