Life Updates again in Life in General

  • Nov. 23, 2020, 4:58 p.m.
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I definitely don’t write in here enough. I really want to log things down that happen to me because my memory is terrible and details escape me. I need to make it a personal goal to just write at least once per week.

Well anyway a lot of things have been going on lately but I’ll just stick to what happened over this past weekend.

I typically don’t shoot a whole whole lot (compared to some other photographers in this area who shoot like every freaking day). I feel like I would get mega burnt and start hating my job, so I keep it to like one engagement shoot and one wedding per week maximum. Yeah it’s a lot less money this way but I’m happy with it.

However these past two weekends I had 3 engagements shoots and two weddings… each. It was crazy! Honestly, after it’s all said and done it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong, I was quite tired. But I think if I had to do that every weekend it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, so maybe I’ll consider packing my schedule a bit more.

Well anyway, the only reason I had double weddings is that I was covering for another photographer who had a health emergency. I’ve known this other photographer for a while now and she’s always been really nice and sweet to me, but honestly… she has a reputation for being a strict bitch. Like she is very strict on wedding day timelines and engagement shoots and everything like. If things deviate slightly she’s like “welp too bad.”

I consider myself a very “go with the flow” guy and now that I’ve seen how the other photographer operates, it definitely supports that feeling. The bride from the Saturday wedding was very very sweet to me and courteous, but I could tell she was a bit frustrated with the other photographer. I was expecting the worse, because when I spoke to the other photographer, she made it sound like this girl was a nightmare client, but now that I’ve spoken to both of them, I’m leaning towards it was a “nightmare photographer” situation.

Well anyway, the wedding was going fine except for the sound people. They hired a live band who was also in charge of all the sound for the day, including during the ceremony. Well, they kept playing the wrong music and the sound kept cutting in and out, and their equipment kept needing to be rebooted, and they also complained about their internet out there not working so they couldn’t download the music (as if they couldn’t have downloaded it before they got there.... ugh).

Needless to say, the bride was mega pissed. She was very courteous when speaking with me, but I could tell. I have been doing this long enough to know when a bride is internally in full rage mode. Well all the sound issues put the wedding like an hour behind schedule so when it was time to leave, the bride asked me to stay until the real end of the wedding (we were supposed to do a fake exit at 8:30). Of course I was happy to stay a little longer if it made her feel better, but then the next day she wrote me this really long text message about how wonderful it was to work with me and how happy she was with the whole process. she asked for my venmo to send me more money and I happily gave it to her but then she didn’t send anything lol. Who knows what happened haha (hopefully she didn’t pay a different David Allen). I’d like to ask and be sure she didn’t mess up, but there really isn’t a way to do that without coming across all greedy like “hey, where is that extra money you promised that we didn’t originally agree upon?” haha.

Well anyway, I guess the other photographer (who lives like 5 hours away from me) has like poo-trash internet because I uploaded all of the images to google drive (dropbox was being a real bummer.. heck that website) and they’re STILL downloading them days later. It took me like 20 minutes to upload everyting (granted, I have gigabit fiber but still…damn). lol

Well anyway, I suppose I should say that I’ll definitely not be using that photographer for my own wedding. I already have a girl in mind who does amazing work and I’m stoked to reach out to her soon.

Speaking of which, I’m definitely interested in looking at some enagagement rings. Money has been a bit tight lately due to COVID stuff but things have picked up over the last few weeks so I’m thinking that I could throw down a least a couple of grand on a ring. yeah it won’t be a fancy ring but I kind of think diamond rings are a huge scam and a waste of money (but the future mrs disagrees so obviously I lost that argument before it even began) so cheaping out isn’t a big deal to me haha.

Welp that’s pretty much all on my mind currently. I’ll try to do more updates. But don’t hold your breath.

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